
DIY Divorce: The Pitfalls of Online Divorce

These days we all like to try to do things on our own to try to cut back on costs. There is certainly nothing wrong with trying to handle minor tasks yourself to help keep your wallet happy, however attempting to take on more complicated tasks might only lead to disaster and cost you more in the long-run. Divorce might seem like something you can successfully take care of on your own, especially given the wealth of information the internet provides, but mistakes can easily be made and you could end up paying the price for many years to come.

Spare yourself the problems that often arise as a result of a DIY divorce and learn more about the pitfalls of an online divorce below, including but not limited to the following:

  • You will misunderstand the forms and requirements: Oftentimes, people believe that if they simply go to the courthouse, a county court clerk will help them navigate their way through all the forms and necessary requirements. However, the court clerk is not allowed to give you help that might be perceived as legal guidance, so the person you speak with will likely advise you to seek the assistance of an attorney or send you to the courthouse library to find the information you are seeking. Ultimately, you will end up having to fend for yourself and, given that most do not have a background in divorce law, it is highly probable you will misunderstand the forms.
  • Your spouse has an attorney: Just because you are interested in handling the divorce yourself does not mean your spouse will have the same desire. He or she can still hire an attorney, which means you will not be on a level playing field. Your spouse’s attorney will have knowledge of divorce law that you simply cannot compete with, putting you at a major disadvantage. As such, you risk getting the short end of the stick in your divorce settlement.
  • You do not have adequate knowledge of divorce law: Perhaps you spent a little time researching divorce law on the internet, but this will not be enough to help you effectively handle your own divorce case. Divorce attorneys spend years honing their craft, so you cannot expect to do as good of a job as they would after only spending a few weeks or months scouring the internet for answers.

The best way to ensure your interests are protected and to save time and money is to hire skilled legal representation to get the job done right.

Experienced Divorce Attorney in Chesterfield

If you are in the process of getting a divorce, you need to retain skilled legal counsel as soon as possible to avoid making any unnecessary and costly mistakes. At Galmiche Law Firm, P.C. in Chesterfield, our skilled family law attorney is backed by 40 years of legal experience, which he will use to your advantage.

Get the help you need and contact our law office at (636) 552-4841 to schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable divorce attorney.

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